Gay sex toy guide

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This is where avid jerkers from around the world pool their wisdom and spill their sexual secrets. The most comprehensive source of homemade sex toy information we found was Jackin World. We’ve got links to projects that will help you to create everything from dildos and imitation Fleshjacks to frightening FrankenHoles – and all using simple household items (and occasionally an item or two that can be found at Home Depot.) If you like getting crafty, you’re going to love this.

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According to various “peeps” on the Interwebs, it’s quite easy to make your own sex toys. Before long, Google had lifted the veil from our eyes. We asked some people what they thought about this and many of them said, “You get what you pay for.” That wasn’t what we wanted to hear, so we kept asking. Hard up for cash? Fear not, because it’s easy to make your own sex toys from everyday household items.

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